Want to Get Helix Re-Pierced-Please Help! Studs and Other Questions? - college jpg index
I want a piercing propellers, and in this photo: http://wiki.bmezine.com/index.php/Image ... I saw a girl when I was in college with a stallion in this way and thought it was so sweet and never wanted anyone there.
I tried to move forward a few years ago with a ring. I was okay for a while and then like a big balloon that was bleeding and took the ring with me :-( I do not know if they are infected, do not clean well, or what arrived ....
I really wanted to get a cute little male contact. I'm not just boring, he did not refuse, or what? I'll be broken, but I do not know. And it could set some kind of ring to stud, before it be cured? I really want to get renewed, and I thought it would have been nice ... However, fears that bubbles againe pain was terrible, it can not numb or anything, it hurt embarrassing for my vertical hood, cartilage and other navel was not so. Please help! Every practitioner. Drills, please help and have some advice.
Well, I do not know, helix piercings, but when I pressed my ears when I was about 11, were infected with the holes, and I took the earrings. It closed again, and I thought my body was rejected, but when he almost 14, I went again and still healing, and I have no problems with them. For a month now and still strong.
If you have further questions, just a piercing salon, or go ask someone who has (these type of piercing in your school: x
Well, I do not know, helix piercings, but when I pressed my ears when I was about 11, were infected with the holes, and I took the earrings. It closed again, and I thought my body was rejected, but when he almost 14, I went again and still healing, and I have no problems with them. For a month now and still strong.
If you have further questions, just a piercing salon, or go ask someone who has (these type of piercing in your school: x
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